Werbefilme für das Internet

Ref: K/1_24/10/21

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Hi, we are a production company based in Warsaw, Poland.

We offer high-quality commercials for the internet. We are working remotely for our clients. We could outsource your video and animation production.

Below you can find some of our offer and our works. Most of them are in polish but it is no problem for us to do it in English or German.

1. Films and commercials promoting products for e-commerce :
https://vimeo.com/425877926 - commercial of furniture in german
https://vimeo.com/584952443 - commercial of a beauty product in polish
https://vimeo.com/548467026/1743c16177 - food supplement commercial in polish
https://vimeo.com/454129506 - yoga equipment commercial in polish
https://vimeo.com/392241039 - technical equipment commercial

2. Films and commercials promoting many services using stock footage:

https://vimeo.com/601736532/be3f134bef - commercial of polish institute
https://vimeo.com/374189293 - short commercial of Swedish cleaning services
https://vimeo.com/528358848/6889dc9140 - part of a corporate video with English voiceover

3. Animations

https://vimeo.com/399193838 - app presentation
https://vimeo.com/397941406 - commercial animation of a product

Kategorie: Medienproduktion, Verlagswesen, Werbung und Marktforschung

Kopperationsfeld: Marketing

PLZ: 51149

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